Contact Me!

At the bottom of this page there is an appointment book, but if you would just like to email me for information, questions, or to make an appointment please contact me at

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Oh boy, I love taking photos of my pets.  I would love taking photos of you and your pets too! I just don't do dangerous things like something that could potentially poison me or bite my head off.  These are just some pictures I took at my house for fun.  My poor beagle Suzie had surgery on her elbow so she was wearing a splint and making everyone feel bad for her.  After documenting that event, my cats were following me around like they wanted some pictures too!  Koko is my 17 year old calico cat (named after the gorilla Cocoa if you remember him on the news in the '90s) and Sophia is my red siamese cat who always has some entertaining expressions.
Suzie and my father watching tv. He calls her 'Susan'. :)
Koko is the little old lady in our house. So funny.
Sophia is lying in her favorite place; my mother's sewing basket by the fridge.
My mom doesn't want to move her sewing basket because Sophia loves sleeping on it so much! And she's so cute when she sleeps.

Scheduling Appointments

Hey everybody! I just got this cool widget at the bottom of my page where you can schedule appointments with me! (it's purple) Ignore the pricing. It varies but they wouldn't let me put that on there.  Thanks for checking out my blog again.  Blogging is not as time consuming as I thought. :) I'd love to check out your blogs too!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Katie and Jack

These are some pictures from last summer when my cousin Katie got a yorkiepoo for her birthday. His name is Jack and he got in a little paint accident before these photos so he has a few white highlights. :D

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Wow, my first post! Well, I'm working on my website so while that's still under construction I made this blog to get some photos out there for you to see! Hurrah. If anyone has any questions definitely send me an email! My email is I can give you some prices for different occasions if you're interested! I'm just going to put a few pics up now and then I'll add more posts with specific events. Thanks for reading!
